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How to became a Bartender


Bar shelf life and day Dots

Oranges And Citrus In A Fruit Tray

Shelf Life

A product’s  shelf life identifies how long an item will remain fresh after being prepped .Day dots are used to identify the day an item is discarded

Shelf life is counted beginning with the day the item is prepped or opened – regardless  of the time of day. For example , if you prep an item with the three days  shelf life on Monday  evening and affix a Wednesday day dot to that them .shelf life is counted as follows : Monday, Tuesday,  and Wednesday. The item is discarded at the end of the day on Wednesday


Day dots.

When you manage the bar , it is your responsibility to ensure the consistent and correct use of day dot by the Bartender . proper  use of the day  dots  help to waste , maintain bar costs, and ensure the safe service of  high quality beverages

Day dots must be placed an all items with shelf  life. Pleased refer to the follwong list for each products’s shelf life

Whole fruits  for garnishes- one week

Open wines – 4 days

Store N pourer products ( juices, mixes, etc) – 3 days

Use day dots to identify the shift and person who prepped the item . if a problem occurs, you will know who prepped the item and when . initialing the sticker is a good practice


Tracking waste

One common beverage cost issues occurs due to waste .often times, a product must be discarded because

The shelf life has been exceeded or lack of use of day dots. Tracking these discarded items is an important  way to research bar cost issues. Bt comparing your actual usage to the record of what was actually rung up . you can find the important discrepancies. These discrepancies can have a significant effect on bar cost. Complete the following  exercise and review the impact that shelf life and day dots have on the product waste in your restaurant.

Review your finding with your Manager

Pick two items to track for the next week

Use the tracking form appropriate for your restaurant to record information

At the end of the week , compare your tracking with the menu  mix and determine  the high waste  items.

Evaluate the information and review it with your manager , Be prepared  to give a recommendation for how to lower costs.

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