google-site-verification=JXhctUSX9bx3NmvKLR64EXmMBgRKjMb2-htZt_wTJqc How to became a Bartender | WoW Bartender

How to became a Bartender

 BLOG : 12

Working with Beer


We serve  the highest quality , premium craft beer ! these full flavored beers each with their own distinct characteristics are made from the purest malted grains , yeast , hops and water . without the perfect  pour. We compromise quality

A beer – clean glass

The glass is the last  link between a finely brewed beer and your guest. A clean glass is needed to serve beer at its best – it assures your guest have the best in taste and eye appeal – and as result ,tells them you value their business. Choose one of these simple test to determine if your glasses are beer clean

Dip a clean glass into water . if properly  washed , it will shed water evenly in sheets. If a film exists, droplets will form on the surface

Beer poured into a poorly washed glass will have large. Loose bubbles that will disappear within 10-60 second , and bubbles will visibly rise from the bottom and cling to the sides. In a Beer – clean glass , sparkling, bubbles- free beer will form a tight, thick head


Pouring the perfect  draft beer

Start with the sparkling clean glass wet it with cool water . place the glass at an angle , about 1 inch below the faucet.

Grab the tap at the bottom to open , not at the top. Open the faucet quickly, all the way

Fill the glass until it is half full , gradually bringing glass to an upright .position . let the remaining beer run straight down the middle. This ensure a 3/4 inches to 1 inch head . Do not let the glass touch the faucet.

Close the faucet completely and quickly

When  using frozen  or chilled glass , pour some cool water on the inside of the glass

Tips On storing Draft beer

Keep the walk in cooler where you store draft beer at 36 degree to 38 degree  Fahrenheit

Do not temper with the CO2 pressure Valve. CO2 pressure should be left constant  to match the specifications of the draft System

For ease of tapping , follow these steps:

 1) place the tavern head tapping handle in the up position . align lug locks on the tavern head with the lug  housing on the top of the keg . insert the tavern head.

2)give the tavern head 1  ¼ clockwise turn  so that it is secured to the keg

3) pull the tapping handle downward  to the locking position . this open the beer & CO2 valves the keg is now tapped.


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