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How to became a Bartender

 BLOG : 14 

Quality Experience


Suggestive Selling at the Bar

As a Bartender , Up-selling is an effective tool to increase tips and build relationship with your Bar Guests. Below are some Suggestion to help improve your bar sales

When Up-selling , don’t gouge the guest for every penny! Instead , focus on enhancing their dining experience by providing them with quality food and beverages of uncompromising freshness.

Up-sell bar drinks .if guest order for a GIN & TONIC , suggest Tanqueray or Bombay .if they order Top-shelf . Do not forget to use Descriptive Words.

Suggest drinks you like or are confident in making  Guest want to know your opinion – so Share it

Suggest wines when guest order entrees. If the bar guest  order a steak ,you might say .”A Merlot would really enhance the flavor of your steak . can I get  you a glass of wine with it

Suggest an appetizer when guest order drinks.

Do not forget to suggest after meal coffee, desserts , keep dessert and drinks menu on the bar where guest can see  them.


Build Relationships

Statistics indicate that 85 percent of first time guest come from word of mouth – Guest who have had a great experience and told their friends  and associations about what a great place your restaurant is to dine. Repeat

Business is what  drives our sales and help ensure the restaurant’s long term success. How can you build a following of loyal guest ? the answer is easier than you think . it start by learning and using the names of your Guest . Let us take a look at a few ways experienced Bartender have learned names of guests.

Make a eye contact with them even if you are making drinks for other guests. Be genuine and always ask “how are you Doing Today ?”

Make the experience personal by asking  them their name and give them yours , use their name everytime you address them

Other team members and regulars . if you notice that someone is a friend of a guest , ask him for guest ‘s name

Eavesdrop – without being nosey ! politely! Listen in ,and you will probably hear several names.


Selling Beer

For selling the beer you know all types of Beer and its taste .

.Beer is the world ‘s oldest and most popular alcoholic beverage . it is a fermented , carbonated beverage made from malted barley , hops and water. When heated during the crafting process. It is also known as brewing liquor . these are approximately 70-80 distinct styles of beer . American brewer produce many different styles of beer, such as Lager, Pilsner, Brown Ale , Amber ale, Stouts and bitter.

 We need to be flawless in our knowledge of handcrafted beer. Review the following Definition  to be able to give quality service to our guests.

 Ale is generally Described as having a full body and heavy hop flavor, it is top fermented and can be divided into several Types :

Belgian Ale  : sweet , darker in color than pale ale

Pale ale : light colored ale , often a bottled  variety of bitter

Lager : it is differentiated by the types  of yeast used in making them and are aged for longer periods than Ales.

They are light in body and can be divided into several types

Pilsner : The only true pilsner come from pilsen , Czechoslovakia . Pilsner are typically flowery and dry with a little bitterness.

Stout : a dark  ,malty beer, with a bitter taste . the deep dark color and flavor come from roasted barley.


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