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How to became a Server



Re-cook Procedure

Sometimes items need to be replaced or re cooked . you should follow a special procedure called re- cook. Review FOH and BOH steps below for handling all recooked items

FOH Procedures.

Remove the item : if a guest does not like the menu item that they ordered , remove it from the table immediately . if it is just a side item , leave the plate and let the guest know that you will return with a new side item.

Find out What they want : If the complaint is about food , you might say , “ I am sorry your handcrafted burger was prepared incorrectly. May I have a new one prepared for you or would you like to prefer a different item. The guest will let you know  what they want

Note : Re-cook always require the preparation time of new item. Items that have left the kitchen  cannot be re cooked and must be discarded

Fill out the re-cook ticket: Be sure  to include the table number , your name and the item along  with the sides  and special instructions.

Note:  you are not required to add it to the POS to be visible on KDS .A re- cook ticket for the expo is all that is necessary

Give  order to the expo  : give the re cook ticket directly to the expo and be sure cook understand the order. The expo will make sure the order is prepared quickly and that the cooks understand any special requests.

Tell the Manager : inform the property manager about  the  re-cook .tell him as much about the issues as possible so that they can address the guests

Adjust the Guest check ; The property Manager will adjust the guest check if needed.

Follow up : Make sure the guest knows  that you are fixing the problem . the Property Manager will deliver  the re-cooked item to the guest .check back after the guest starting his item  make sure everything is correct and that the guest is happy with the new item.


BOH Procedures.

Re-cook  to the line cook : the Expo clearly identifies what the re-cook is to the line cooks

Prepare the item as a Priority : when applicable , the line cook will use any item already being prepared for the re-cook , and replace it with a new one immediately .All re- cooks must have a fresh  new plates , set up and side items.

Sell  the re-cook in the window: line cooks tell the Expo when the re-cook hits the window . The expo will expedite the re-cook  to the guest by having a Manager run the food.





 Telephone Procedures

How Do I Answer The Phone ?

First  impressions are everything ! Answering the phone with a natural pace and clarity Speaks  quality to our Guests. gracious attitudes comes across even when answering the phone. Since it is everyone ‘s responsibility to answer the phone and handle each call properly , make sure you keep these important points in mind.

Answer the phone no later than the second ring

Be excited that they called – think how you would respond if you knew it was your best friend  on the other line.

Set the tone by talking with a smile ! it may seem uncomfortable , but it truly makes a difference.

Smiling relaxes your vocal cords and makes your voice sound more pleasant .

Don’t answer the phone talking  rapidly ,speak slowly and clearly  regardlessly of the rush

Don’t let the guest on the phone feel like they are inconvenience

Answer the phone with a  pleasant greeting .You might use example :

Good Morning/ afternoon/ evening. Thank you for calling ( your restaurant name) (Location) this is (your name). How may I help you .

Calls for Team Members                                                

Team members are not to use the telephone  or recieve  telephone calls unless it is an emergency . if  you receive a call for a  team member , Explain that they are busy and take a messages. If it is an emergency , then you should Immediately get the manager to handle the situation.


Don’t Give out confidential Information

The names , phone numbers , address and the schedule of team members and Managers are considered confidential Information .Never give the information to anyone.

Questions about  the Restaurant

As a gracious Host, take the time to answer questions guest may ask like directions to the restaurant , hours  of Operations , Forms of acceptable payments .how to Go Curbside or Delivery Service work , what is on the children ‘s menu and much more

Handling Requests for Employment

When someone calls and ask if we are hiring , you should respond  by saying, we are always taking applications . Everyone has  to be considered for a job . it is very important for you to treat all applicants with the same Friendliness and hospitality we show to the guests.

General Information you need to know

You will need to answer any number of questions when you talk to guests .Below is just some of the basic information to need to know before you pick up the phone.

Restaurant’s  Address and phone number

Directions of all your restaurant in a town

Hours of Operations

Drink  features and core menu items to suggests

Mode of payments


Phone numbers of all your restaurant in a town

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How to became a server

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