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How to became a Server

Responsible Alcohol Service


Serving Alcoholic Beverages is a serious matter. Irresponsible alcohol Service may result in dire consequences for our guest , you the restaurant and the company ,we are genuinely concerned about the welfare of out team and guests. It is extremely important that every Restaurant Team members understands the importance of responsible alcohol service.


ALWAYS be responsible when selling and serving alcoholic beverages .consider these facts:

Alcohol  depresses the central nervous system .and if consumed in sufficient quantities, may cause Impaired judgment , loss of coordination and impaired speech

A person arrested on an alcohol –related charges is asked Where she/He was drinking

Restaurant ‘s server , bartender, Managers and the company as a whole may be held liable  for  death  or  injuries  resulting from the irresponsible sale or service of alcohol to a Guest.

It is Illegal to serve alcohol to an Intoxicated person or to Continue to serve a person approaching intoxication

You are Never obligated to serve alcoholic  beverages to any person wo cannot produce a valid form of identification

It is illegal to serve alcohol to a person under the age ,

Reasonable Efforts

The law requires people serving alcohol to show reasonable efforts in providing a responsible  drinking environment to avoid illegally furnishing intoxicating beverage to the guest .Reasonable efforts may include denying service to an intoxicated Guest. Refusing to serve alcohol to an underage guest and intervening if a guest becomes visibly intoxicated.

The following list identifies  reasonable efforts you are to expected to make to ensure a responsible drinking environment.

Checking IDs for proof age

Slowing down service to avoid the possibility of a guest becoming intoxicated

\notify a Manger of any alcohol related concern of if you need to :

Refuse alcohol service to an intoxicated Guest

Offer alternates transportation

Call the police (IF NECESSARY)

The definition of illegally furnishing intoxicating beverages  to a guest  includes the sales and /or service of alcohol beverages to the guest who is :

Under the legal age

Of questionable age without  requesting and validating proper identification

Posses Fraudulent or  questionable identification

Appear under the influence of alcohol or drugs upon arrival at the restaurant

Forms of identification  for Alcohol Service

Following are acceptable and not acceptable forms of identification. If you have a question about a Guest’s identification, talk to your MANAGER immediately .

Acceptable Forms of identification

Driver’s License


Voter’s ID card

NON - Acceptable Forms of identification

Birth Certificates

Student ID card with or without picture

Signs of Intoxication

It is important for all FOH employees to recognize the sign of   intoxication. Listed below are some of the sign

Drowsiness (Heavy eyelids)

Loud argumentative behavior

Careless with money

Mood  changes

Altered speech patterns

Annoying other guests

Loosing motor skills

Drinking too fast

Animated, boisterous, over friendly

Spilling drinks

Slurring Words


If  someone begins to show ant of these signs ,get the FOH Manager before you serve them another drink .If someone comes in and is already showing these signs then call the FOH Manager before you serve them

How to ask for identification

Use any of the following statement  to ask Guest for an ID:

Please , take this as a compliment . I need to see your ID

Sorry for the inconvenience but, by law , I need to see some form of identification before I can serve you.

I am  really  not good at judging age. So may I please you ID

Refusing  Alcohol Service

Hopefully, You will not have to deal with the heavy drinkers very often . if someone does does become intoxicated , follow these guidelines.

First , Notify your manager. She /he will visit the table and make a decision about continuing  alcohol service

Do not serve  an already intoxicated Guests

If a Guests Becomes intoxicated while at your restaurant . stop drink service .This decision must be final

Do not argue with the guest

Remain in control of yourself . Do not over react. Remember : alcohol can cause people to be irrational

Always let a Manager handle these situations

Example of what to say

Joe , I am afraid if I serve you another drink, you may have trouble getting home . How about a soft drink?

I m sorry , Sue . I cant serve you another drink tonight . I am  concerned for your safety . Can I get you a soda or make you a nice sandwich

I’d like to serve you another drink,Tom  but I just can’t . I do appreciate  your business, but  I’d rather see you arrive home safely  so that I can keep enjoying your business

George , I m worried about you driving home tonight . Can I call a friend  to pick you up ?

Care about their well being

It’s important to make every possible effort to ensure the safety of guests

Ask for help from the guests Friend( if sober)

Call a friend or family member to pick up the guest

Get a Manager Involved to.

Call a cab for the guest at the restaurant Expense

Call for security escort if the guest is making a scene

Alert the police if the guest leaves in his/ her car. Get their license.

Forms of payment

As we Accept only cash and credit/debit cards. But now a days scenario is change People are doing digital payments systems like PAYTM, GOOGLE PAY. etc  

When the guest do not have enough Money to pay the bill

Occasionally , you may be forced with an embarrassed Guest when the bill is presented.It someone who is short may be a few rupees . has the wrong form of payment , or is simply shocked to see their wallet empty , by all the means do not say or do anything to embarrass them! Suggest another form of payments . if they do not have one get your manager and together decide how to take care of the situation and the guest.

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