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How to became a Server

 Server Cash Out Procedure.

At the end of your shift and after you complete your closing duties , you will need to complete the following procedure to check out properly.

Close out all open Guest checks and make sure all money is collected . then the manager will give you a sales report.

Organize your materials in the order indicate below 

Guest Promos : All promotional guest checks are signed by Manager with an explaination  of the promos

Meal Certificate : All Check paid for with a complimentary card or letter from the support center should be  signed by managers . the cards or letter must be stapled with guest check 

Gift Certificates: each one is stapled with guest's check , voided and initialed with the date of redemption.

Managers meal : manager name must be legible  printed and their signatures must be on the checks

Credit Card: Make sure all tips are entered on the credit card reports and closed to the appropriate guest check 

food checks discounted for team Members must be signed and initialed by team members

All bills must have faces facing up and in the same directions and send all the reports of credit cards slips will send to Accounts department.

Handling Credit cards

turn in credit cards Charges to a managers  At the end of each shift , you  will need to turn in all Credit cards charges to your managers . make sure you have the signed copy of the guest check attached  to the corresponding closed check . It is your responsibility to keep up with all closed checks , so it is a good idea to keep your credit cards receipts together in one place during your shift

Credit cards Total must match signed copy of guest check when you close out a credit card charge make sure the credit card charge , make sure the credit card total you enter matches what is written on the signed copy of the guest check. Occasionally , guest may make a  mistake when adding the tip to the total when this happen , get your manager to help you with the credit card.

Manually Entering Credit card Transaction if the magnetic strip on the credit card does not work , or chip is also not working , you will need to manually enter the card transaction . you will need a manager to help you follow these Procedure.

\Make an imprint of the card , you will also want  to write the credit card number on the imprint 

Always attach the imprint and signed copy of the guest check to your closed check . you will turn  it in  with the other closed checks at the end of your shift

What to say to a guest when the card is declined 

Quietly lean down to the guest   who gave you the Card and say " I am sorry , but this card is didn't take . Do you have another card i could try ?" Most guests will give you another method of payments and will be grateful that you  don't make a big deal out of it.

If the guest doesn't understand why their card didn't work . they may ask some questions or have you try the same card again . get the manager to handle at this point.

Guest Complaints and how it handle them

In any business , mistake happens - With Products and with the service - and  guests will complain

\How to handle those Complaints will have a direct affect on return business - and your tips. it is important to keep a positive attitude when you hear complaints . guest are giving you constructive advice about what kind of service they want . what an opportunity to make a difference  with them

Competent Responses to complaints are becoming rare. Guest deal with discourtesy , red tape , runarounds. and incompetence on  a large scale in all aspects of their lives . If you can gracefully accepts a complaint and deal with it quickly , you will be a refreshing relief  to the problems Guest encounter in other areas of their lives.

You must know how to handle all com-plaints maturely and diplomatically .

A sincere apology  and a little charm go a long way in smoothing over an issues. when  a problem occurs thank guest for bringing it to your attention. This simple act show them you are truly concerned about providing the best possible service , Honestly and a friendly attitude will win over more guest than double talk.

REMEMBER : If there is a problem ,  Never Avoid the table  Continue to fill Drinks , be friendly and show guests that you are concerned . This Will help make a best out of a bad Situation.

Approaching Guests Concern

approach each guest knowing that you have a a chance to make  a friend . smile and make sure your body language is not threatening . For Example , folding your hands over the chest or placing your hands on your hips communicates you are ready to fight not listen.

Manager Intervention Required.

When a team Member tells you that a guest has a complaint , get the facts before you approach on the table.

Ask the team member specific questions like.

What exactly did the guest say to you ? Did they seem upset?

Do they have Hungry Children?

What do you think the problem may be ?

Did they tell you how they wanted the problem fixed ?

Don't Know The Exact Problem ?

Dont  use  words like what's the problem here ? Or who didn't like the burger ?

Dont assume bad news when a Guest ask to see the manager . Keep your face friendly, relaxed ,open , concerned and caring . A guest may want to compliment his server or ask a question about the restauarnt

Use gentle Opening lines Such as . What can i do for you sir, or how may i help you sir?

Listen carefully to what the guest says. take appropriate action if there is a problem

Thanks the guest for their comments or concern seven if no action is required.

You Know exactly What is Wrong 

This approach is disarming and dissipates much hostility or anger.

Acknowledge the problem Immediately , "I Understand we made a mistake and you've been waiting for a table for a long time " or i was told there might be foreign object in your food .

When you acknowledge the problem first , the guest knows that he does not have to be on the offensive . Many times , just listening patiently and recognizing the point of view is half the solution to the problem 

Half eaten Food 

one of the most common signs of guest dissatisfaction is a half eaten meal. the guest may feel uncomfortable complaining an issue to the managers attention. as you manage  from the floor , keep an eye out for the half eaten mean and follow the procedure  of your restaurant when it does occur , do not forget to coach your team to immediately  address an instance  of half eaten food  to ensure that  each guest leaves  happy. when the food is half eaten or a guest is nor eating the food.

Do whatever it takes

If the above conversation has occurred and the guest is still not satisfied , then respond as follows 

I am sorry that we fell short of your expectations up and did not provide you what you wanted 

I just want you to b happy . i have taken the item or meal off of your check

Is there anything else i may do for you ?

The manager must be  prepared  to do whatever  it takes to make the guest happy

Talk to the guest with the problem 

make eye contact with the guest and speak directly to the guest that is involved

talk to the guest with the problem - not the entire table .Acknowledge the others who try to get involved , but try to keep the table from agitating the situation 

If the guest with the problem is extremely upsets or angry , you may find it easier to deal with the calmest  guest 

Service related Problems 

Service - related recovery problems usually refer to complaints about the speed of service or the attitude of the server. any complaints or concern dealing with  service quality  or a team members attitude should  be immediately addressed and corrected . It is never acceptable  to have a bad attitude or be rude while taking care of our guests 

Long Service time

Always ensure that the order is taken and immediately entered at the POS.

All orders should be entered at the POS. with in one minutes of taking the order at the tables 

Long ticket times

Proper shift preparation minimize the number of long ticket times. A variety of problems cause long ticket times Unexpected Volume increase, equipment failure. in experienced line cooks and improper line checks may be just some of the issues.

the expo should alerts the manager when the ticket time is running long.

The manager visits the tables to see how the guests are doing.

Misquoted Waits

 Managing  from the dining room helps to reduce the number of misquoted waits times because the managers is constant aware of fluctuating business volumes

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How to became a server

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