google-site-verification=JXhctUSX9bx3NmvKLR64EXmMBgRKjMb2-htZt_wTJqc How to became a Server | WoW Bartender

How to became a Server

 Taking  the order

Approaching a table of guest takes considerable skill.You need to let your personality shine through, greet the guests with a warm smiles. and assure the guests that you are there to assist and serve them as their host. Focus on the need of your guest. Listen carefully to what they say and more importantly, how they say it .Remember , you will be their tour guide.your suggestion and answers to the guest's questions regarding the menu and your restaurant will go far in building a strong relationship between you and your guest.

Get the Ball Rolling with Small Talk

Small talk is often used as conversation starters. it is usually a common topic to help you break  the ice and get to know someone.This is a skill that come in handy no matter where you are. but one that is critical to your success as a Server. Remember - you are the Gracious Host. It is up to you to start building relationship. you do not have to be naturally outgoing to make this work . in fact most people PLAN what they are going to use as conversation starters and write them down. Remember - the first thing you do is introduce yourself. Then How are you doing today/tonight?"

Receiving and Writing Down the order

Write down all information 100 percent of the time , particularly the cooking instructions for the kitchen . writing down the order eliminates mistake and provides the Guest with Confidence that their order is being submitted correctly - just as they asked . Receiving an order by memory alone does not impress the guest - instead it makes them feel uncomfortable . as each Guest orders, repeat the order back by complimenting the guest's selection and confirm any special instructions as well.

Always describe the meat Temperature. if the guest makes special request , honor it if you know we have the ingredient . if you are not sure, ask the culinary chef . the point is it is our pleasure to grant the request if it is possible. If the guest want to leave off a item. use the item modifier after the entree to indicate which items should be omitted.

Remember to always write it down and compliment the guests selection

Getting the order to the kitchen 

Immediately ring order into the POS. Enter the order into POS exactly as it is written on the captains pad . Always review the information entered into the POS to ensure order accuracy. During lunch , get the order in as quickly as possible. input the entire order at one time.

You are responsible for getting appetizer and soup out before the rest of the order

Make sure to communicate to the Expo and special Request on an order that cannot be entered in the POS . Do this Immediately after ringing in the order. do not make your Line cooks guess about the special request or hold an order waiting for you to provide additional information.

You Are Not an order Taker

you must build salesmanship into your everyday mindset. Here are some secrete to success to help you get started .

Set aside time to think about how to build relationship with the guest 

Brainstorm alternative and creative ways to get know your Guests.

Think like your guest. Forget what you sell - think about what your guest needs and want when they order a meal In short , think about the quality of the experience to make it a memorable one. 

Describing Meat temperatures

When  you deliver the item , describe the temperature  again when you set the plate in front of the Guest. You might say something like this . : here is your rare Chicken Burger , cooked just the way you like it - light brown on the outside with a cool red center

RARE - light Brown on the outside with a cool re center - 135 Degree Fahrenheit.

MEDIUM RARE - Light brown on the outside with a warm red center.-145 Degree Fahrenheit.

MEDIUM - Brown on the outside  with a light pink center - 155 Degree Fahrenheit.

MEDIUM WELL - Brown on the outside  with a trace of pink in the center.- 160 Degree Fahrenheit

Well - Brown throughout with no trace of pink- 170 Degree Fahrenheit.

Kids are future Guest

As Gracious Host it is important you do not forget the children when you  greet Guests. Generally a family oriented restaurant offering simple. fresh food for the kids  . so when  families with children come in make sure you recognize the children and accommodate needs.

Here are a few ways that will win over parents and help you make memorable  experience for all our guest

Hints when seating children

When you seat families with children , do everything you can do to help settle the children before you leave the tables .the most important thing  you can do is to treat children like people.

Here are a few Guidelines. 

Have  kids menu

Make sure the kids chair  and high chairs are clean and available.

Always be glad to see a family with children and pay special attention to the children

offer a table or a booth by asking them what would make them more comfortable 

let the parents know that the children meals can be brought out first

Be very Discreet when you suggest beverages . make sure you ask parents about what kind of  beverages  they would like you to bring  for their Children.

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How to became a server

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