google-site-verification=JXhctUSX9bx3NmvKLR64EXmMBgRKjMb2-htZt_wTJqc How to became a Server | WoW Bartender

How to became a Server

Quality Table Service Procedures

Serving Beverages

Always Provide Automatic beverage refills as a silent service when the glass is half full.


Fill cup to within 1/2 inch of the rim.

Place cup on a side plate with spoon. creamer are served upon request

When refilling , remove the cup from the side plate and pour away from the table .This Prevent Spills that can happen when you reach across guests .Do not change for refills on coffee.

Hot Tea

Fill a cup with hot water from the coffee station . on the side plate , place a tea bag , spoon , lemon wedges to the left mug on a side plate .set the plate to the right of your guest . Creamer are served upon request 


Milk is served in a  chilled glass . Fill glass to with in 1 inches of the rim . the milk is stored close to the service area or the bar

Milk for small children should be served in the milk carton to prevent spills.

Soft Drinks 

Fill glass to the top with ice 

Fill with the requested soft beverages

use a pitcher when refilling water or tea only

Do not charge for refills on iced tea and coke products

To enhance the guests experience always provide automatic refills as a silent service

Refills kids drinks using the same cup.

Bottled water

bottled water is served chilled and unopened without glass  or garnish unless requested 

if a glass is required ,place the glass to the right of the guest and set the bottle next to the glass. only serve a lemon slice if the guest request

Bottled water is not served over ice unless requested by the guests

Serving Appetizers

An appetizers should never be brought to a table without appetizer plates. a cold appetizer impacts our commitment to quality and as a result , the guest will probably not order the same one again.

when you deliver the appetizers , place it  in a central location on the table and present one appetizers plate directly  in front of each guest. it is very important to check back with the table within two minutes to make sure everything was prepared can make adjustment quickly at this point to satisfy your guest - but you can only fix the problem if you know about it.

 Progressively bus the table by as guest finish eating . Remember  to ask first before you remove any times . " can i get that plate out of the way  for you ?" Dont ask if they want to keep their Silverware . Always bring new to those who need it.

Serving Entrees 

Food needs to be run  to a table  in 30 seconds  or less it hits the window. HOT FOOD HAS TOP PRIORITY. The warning lamps over the pass - through window will not hold food quality and temperature for more than 1 minutes. plates should never get hot to the point that they are hot to the touch ,otherwise the entree should be remade.

refer  to the guest  check when  you serve entrees to ensure you place the food in front  of the right person. identify what the guest ordered when you set down  the plate . After placing the food on the tables , check to see if anyone cares for condiments . Do not leave the table until you're  sure guest have everything they need .

Give Guest two minutes or two bites and then check back again to make sure everything was prepared correctly 

Throughout the meal , remove all dirty plates , napkins, etc.

Ribs And wings Procedure

All ribs & wings are served with "Bone - Plate". A bone plate consist of a dinner plate , folded dinner napkins, and a wet napkins . provide a bone plate when you deliver any menu that includes bones in any type food

Serving Desserts , Coffee , and After -Dinner Drinks 

present the dessert menu at the final pre-bus and suggest your favorite desserts and one of the drinks ! Note if you present it too early , the guest will forget about it.

if you present it too late. the guest may be too full and could have made up their mind about desserts.

place the desserts menu in the center of the table and let the guest decide . it is important to never assume a guest will not want anything . Selling comes easy when it is a personal favorite of yours . also take the time to be familiar with some of the after dinner liqueurs or perhaps another personal favorite. Make sure you ring in all coffee orders.

if desserts is ordered, provide new silverware and napkins . if only one desserts id ordered bring silware for the whole table in case they want to share

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How to became a server

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