google-site-verification=JXhctUSX9bx3NmvKLR64EXmMBgRKjMb2-htZt_wTJqc How to became a Server | WoW Bartender

How to became a Server


Service Excellence to each guest is ensuring that the table top is maintained throughout the meal.

Prior to Food Delivery.

All guest beverages are full ,refill where necessary 

All dirty silverware is removed and replaced

Ensure the table is course ready. for example, if the table is sharing an appetizer there is a placed cleared in the center of the table to place the appetizer arrives

Anticipating the guest needs

Check for silverware replacement after every course .Replace used silverware as needed by placing  the fork  on top of the knife and set it on the table next to the guest

Refills -Prior to entree delivery ,always assume that the guest will want a refill. after the delivery of the entree ,ask the guest before you bring another refill

Always carry the beverage from the center of the glass

Always wash your hands after touching used plates , Glassware , napkins or silverware.

Appetizers plates are delivered with  the appetizer

For Wine service ,place the bottle of wine where it makes sense on the tables - within reach with the label facing the guest.

Clearing the Table.

Remove extra plates , glasses, ramekins or napkin on the table during the entire dining experience .

Silently clear anything that the guests is no longer using .keep the table fresh

Make an effort to clear the table before any other food arrives.

Clear the plates once the entire party has completed the course.

Clear the plates from the right.

Silently replace table top items. 

Boxing Food 

As plates are cleared from the table , a guest may ask that his/her  food be boxed up to take home.

A guests leftover food is boxed up in the kitchen 

Attentive Service.

Be attentive but do not bother the guest.

Do not ask questions  that are not necessary.

Before all meals are delivered , all beverages are filled , and the table is ready  to receive  the next course 

If the guest is not happy . make him or her happy. get a manager Involved.

Fond Farewell

Check  Presentation and check etiquette

The final bill is presented to the guest in a check presenter

Present the check to the guest after the dessert plates were has been cleared.

If the guest opts out of dessert , present the check after clearing the dinner plate ware.

place the check presenter in a standing position versus laying if flat on the table

Leave the check in the presenter in a neutral position at the table or hand it to the person  who asked for it

Do not assume that the man at the table wants the check.

Express Lunch Service

Leave the check at the check back

Assure the guests this is for convenience , but do not interrupt the guests to say so. 

Do not rush the guests meal.

Payment Processing 

A good indicator that payment may be ready is that the check presenter is placed down flat on the table.

When collecting the payment always assume the guest want change . Remember silent attentive service  and never  interrupt  the guest to tell him/her . you will be right back with the change 

Payment processing should be as quick as possible.

Take Great care of your guest until he/she leaves the table without making the guest feel uncomfortable

Proper Good bye 

If you can obtain the guest name from a credit card, use his /her name in your fond farewell.

Every team member and manager should go out of his/her way to thanks the guest 

say Thanks you for dining with us today  or we hope to see you soon again.

Always invite the guest to return  for example. It was pleasure serving you this evening. ilook forward to taking care of you again

. The host should open the door for every guest that leaves the restaurant

Service Excellence 

Be attentive but do not bother the guest

Do not ask questions that are not necessary 

Before all meals are delivered , all beverages are filled and the table is ready to receive the next course

If the guest is not happy , make him or her happy .Get a manager involved. .

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How to became a server

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