google-site-verification=JXhctUSX9bx3NmvKLR64EXmMBgRKjMb2-htZt_wTJqc How to became a Server | WoW Bartender

How to became a Server


Guest have already made the choice to come and dine with us. By suggesting  specific food items you are Increasing your sales and trying to enhance their visits by offering items that compliment each other , introducing them to something we have that our competition does not -like our fresh and mouthwatering food .

Instead of thinking of suggestive selling as being  Pushy, think of it as giving Guests Suggestions and options to enhance their meal ! Although Guest will not say yes every time you make a recommendation , do not get discouraged . we know that people will say no . however, your job is to suggest specific menu and beverages item to every guests. we are counting on the law of averages.about three to five out of ten guests will order something that you suggest. it is like a baseball players batting averages.A good baseball player has a batting avrerages of 300 or higher. now , this  does not mean he only attempted 300 swings . he had to swing the bat 1000 times to get those results . it is the same for you ! TO GET  an average of three to five guests to order  something you suggest . you must make the suggestion  to at least ten guests.

How to improve your sales 

we know you have the  personality and charm to make   connection  with guests. suggestive selling is just another way to share your passion personality

The following are just a few ideas to help get started

Be competent and knowledgeable about the menu . The more you know , the better you sell use your menu knowledge  to share how a meal can be enhanced  by substituting a side ordered with any small portion of starter.

Describe items in mouthwatering and enticing terms - be sincere and passionate 

Be well rested and charged up for your shift . your smile is contagious . it can put everyone in a good mood

Offer a sincere compliment about their selection .let the guest know how believe that they will enjoy the selected menu item Look at guest when you speak to them - and use their names when you can. . For Example "HI" , Mr. XYZ .It's good to see you again ?" Personalized recognition Always Impresses people .Guests Know that you wait on many people - and will feel important when you remember their name .

Remember what a regular  guests likes and does not like 

Be sure you have everything rung in . Forgetting something as small as a soda will Negatively affect your trip.

Your Goal when you suggestively sell or up sell is to sell is to find the right balance between  enhancing the guest's  experience and increasing sales and tip.

Every time you suggest an item , you  are building a relationship with tthe guest that keeps them coming back

Keep in mind the some of the following hints when you suggestively sell.

Always suggest appetizers, add on item and  beverages

Read the guests  body language  and facial expressions when you suggest items .if they do not appear receptive to your suggestion. offer something different.

Make sure you always look your best throughout the shift . Guests will be more receptive  to hearing your description of our  tasty food than they will be about seeing it on your uniform.

Be passionate with your spiel. If you are not convinced that out Signature Desserts is the perfect  compliment to a steak dinner. you will never convince you guest .so suggest what you enjoy and that excitement will come across to the guest.

By Pairing complimentary menu item , you increase  your tips and the quality of the guests experience.

Be excited and passionate about what you are suggesting, Make it personal by recommending   a favorite of yours. your pride in the selection will shine through.

Get feedback from guest .what better way  to find out what our guests like than directly from their own mouths ? by talking with guest throughout the course of their visit. you will get choice . it certainly is a popular favorite.

Be The tour Guide 

Even Server acts as a menu tour guide . when you take an order, you must be  fully prepared to help guest decide what they would like and describe items accurately. to do this properly , you need complete knowledge of the menu and the ability to describe items  in mouth -watering terms

What tools can help you do the job ?

Use the Bar Recipe Manual  t help you learn alcoholic  and non alcoholic bar beverages 

Practice using descriptive words to describe menu items to help you feel Comfortable suggesting items to your guest.

Use Descriptive Words

Your trainer will role -play with you describe items in mouthwatering terms when  you describe items , you want to paint vivid mental pictures .use Descriptive words that make Guest say ooh and  aah - like


Fresh, stuffed, Original , Over Flowing, really Popular, Sauteed, fun to share , Piping Hot, Garden Fresh ,, famous, Unique, Incredible, Sprinkled , Marinated, Creamy , Natural ,  Spicy not Hot, My guest Love it. Favorite


Light, Imported, Frosty, Special, Frozen, Tropical. Hand Mixed, Creamy.

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How to became a server

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