google-site-verification=JXhctUSX9bx3NmvKLR64EXmMBgRKjMb2-htZt_wTJqc How to became a Server | WoW Bartender

How to became a Server

 Suggestive selling and server.

Why should you suggestively sell ?

Do not ever forget that each of our guest come in wanting food . They are going to buy our product.

When you suggestively sell. You are:

Trying to enhance their visit.

Introducing them to something we have that our competition  does not have -like your signature item.

You are not being pushy when you suggest items you are  giving guests suggestion and options guest will not say yes everytime you suggestively sell or not get discouraged. We know that people will say no.

Your job is to offer the same quality service and suggestions to every time. We are counting on the law of averages  which says that about three to five  out of every ten guests will order something you get an average of three to five guest  to order something you must suggest the item to at least ten guest. 

How to host suggestively sell.

Knowing what to say when you seat the guest is important. The following script will help  you to get started until you find your own style

As  you walk each guest to the table , point out the  signature items and ask is this  the first time you came to our restaurant if they respond NO, You may want to say something like : super then you familiar  with our signatures item !we take pride in our  signature items (which is your favorite ).

Suggestive Beverages.

Suggesting beverages is another one of the Host's responsibility.  When you seat the guest, you should suggest a specific beverage. Here is an example of offering beverages recommendations:

May I offer to get you zero proof fresh strawberry  drink or any fresh fruit icedtea?

If it is cold outside , you might say "would you like to warm up with some hot tea or fresh brewed coffee?"

Suggesting Appetizers.

Pick out at least two of your favorite Appetizers to suggestively sell. Try one of these script to help you to suggest Appetizers.

"Would you like to try out our signature Appetizer while  you through the menu".

If you walk guest to the bar area , you might say : "how about our signature  appetizers with  your drink.

Suggesting  maincorse.

Suggesting the maincorse is very easy !since everybody wants to have lunch or dinner with the family. Make a habit to say something like this 

Take a look at our delicious maincorse  items . We feature a wide variety of  maincorse with fresh vegetables  and meat in our menu.

Pivot point System.

Defining pivot point

The pivot point is the neutral location where a server stand at the table to take the order.each restaurant will have the pivot point for every table designated  on the  restaurant's floor chart. To make the system works , guest numbers are assigned at each table starting with the Seat to the immediate left of the pivot point this seat is identified as guest#1 . Similarly, the remaining seats at the table also have a guest number assigned to them .from guest #1 go clockwise around the are the two most common  example of tables in your dining rooms

For flip up tables and tables you pull together, the pivot point should follow one rule that works best for your restaurant  closest point to the  kitchen .it does not  matter  which rule is used as long as it is consistent. In the event of a large party, the manager on duty will designated the pivot point . Should you be assigned  to the large party . It is important for you to know where that pivot point has been designated so that menu items may be delivered  using the pivot point system.

Taking the order 

Guest numbers are indicated on your server order pad .you do not need to take the order numerically.You do have to make sure that the order is placed on the correct line of the server order pad. This ensure that the correct menu item is delivered to the guest .use common  courtesy when taking the order :Remember,  ladies first !

Ringing the order 

Ensure the order for menu items into the system by guest numbers. By doing this, anyone can graciously deliver food with courtesy to the guest without having to ask what she/he ordered .
To carry a plate , rest the outer edge of the plate on the inside  of your thumb using palm and other fingers for support on the underside . Your thumb should bend to grab the inside of the plate . It is recommended that you only carry two plates at a time. The maximum number of plates to be carried at one-time  is three per team member 
For ease of service , carry the plate 🍽  belongings  to  guest number  one in your strong hand . This will facilitate placing the plates on the table .once you arrive at the table, place the item in front of the designated guest. Remember that you will know in advance which guest will get which plate using guest number and the pivot point system . Place is set down in front of the guest with the protein at the three o'clock position .
In the event the guest is engaged in conversation,  you do not need to announce the arrival of his/her meal. Quietly , place  the entree in front of the guest. Prior to your departure , pause. This will give the guest the opportunity to stop his conversation.  Then you may ask ,"is there something I may get for you".

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How to became a server

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